There are so many different cat breeds, and each has their own distinct characteristics. This week at Catfancast, we are sharing some fast facts all about Chartreux cats.
Chartreux cats are a very rare, upscale breed originating in France. These cats are known for their calm, quiet demeanor. Their vivid, golden or green eyes complement their silky, slate grey coats.
While Chartreux cats are not the most affectionate or easy to groom, they do have many assets that make them wonderful pets. Chartreux are very patient and tolerant of other animals, which makes them ideal for a household with numerous cats and dogs.
While their shedding habits may be an inconvenience, veterinary bills won’t be. These cats typically do not develop major health problems of any kind. Overall, Chartreux cats are relatively low-maintenance, independent cats. Sometimes they can be silly, so get ready to play!
For more information on this beautiful and elusive breed, check out Animal Planet’s “Cats 101” video below.