These smiling cats are way too adorable and will certainly improve your day, no matter how awesome or tough it’s been. Prepare yourself for extreme cuteness ahead.
We also all know cats are mysterious, so where do their smiles come from? Strangely enough, the ones on their faces aren’t true smiles, as their facial muscles are not the same as humans. More often than not, your kitty will express happiness via the obvious purring, closing their eyes, and relaxing their head backwards. With some cat breeds, the facial structure appears to have a smile designed into the face of the cat.
1. Full of Smiles
2. Happy Girl!
3. Is this a smile?
4. It just doesn’t get cuter than this smiling cat!
5. Content Kitties . . .

6. Sleepily Smiling Cat – Sweet Dreams

7. Russian Blue Smiling
We have a Russian Blue named Smokey that shows this crazy smile when he is happy. He is often purring when he makes this facial experession.

8. Happiness is the perfect couch

9. Happiness is the Perfect Lawn

10. Happiness is the Perfect Sunny Spot

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