11 Things Only Cat Owners Understand

You'll love this relatable video that highlights the 11 Things Only Cat Owners Understand. This video is guaranteed to make you smile!

Ever since your furry friend entered your home (and your heart), things have never been the same. You and your cat created a “new normal,” full of funny encounters, sneak attacks, and precious moments galore. You couldn’t imagine life without your cat, and all of the good, bad, and ugly that come with it.

No matter how many times your kitten steals the best seat in the house or destroys your favorite sweater, you love them anyway. You may spend more money on premium cat food than on your own groceries (i.e. Ramen noodles), but you wouldn’t have it any other way. You probably even cancel plans just to hang out with your cat, because it’s the best friend you could ever have.

Does this sound like you? If so, you’re a cat person. You’ll love this relatable video about what it’s like to live with cats. The video highlights the 11 Things Only Cat Owners Understand. This video is guaranteed to make you smile! Share with your other cat loving friends!