A Cat’s Guide to Bathrooms

Does your cat love the bathroom as much as this cute cat? Let Marmalade show you a cat's guide to the bathroom. This video is so relatable!

Cole and Marmalade are back at it again with another adorable video. In this video, Marmalade, the sweet ginger cat, demonstrates how to properly utilize the bathroom and all of it’s marvelous features. From batting at toilet paper rolls, to licking the faucet and tugging on towels, the bathroom is a great place for endless hours of fun! Does your cat love the bathroom as much as this cute cat? 

If you’re a cat owner, you’ve probably noticed that your cats LOVE to hang out in the bathroom. There has probably been a time or two when you found your cat napping in the sink or bathtub, and wondered how that could possibly be comfortable. Take a look through the eyes of Marmalade in this funny video that shows a cat’s guide to the bathroom.