Adorable Ragdoll Cats


1)  This video shows why Ragdoll cats are often described as “dog-like” . . .(1 of 3) 

This Ragdoll cat loves to fetch, retrieve and pose like a Dog . . .

Next up:  Ragdoll Kitten demonstrates how Zen a Ragdoll can be . . .

2)  This Ragdoll Kitten is totally Zen . . .no fears of being held upside down . . .(2 of 3)

This kitten does a good job of demonstrating how a Ragdoll can go totally limp when picked up…just like a Ragdoll . . .

Next up:  Watch how adorable and playful a Ragdoll kitten can be . . .

3)  Adorable Ragdoll Kitten Loves to Play (3 of 3)

Little Nugget was purring for the whole video shoot….. this is one highly cute kitten . . .

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