How Attached are Cats to Their Owners?

The creators of this video set out to discover the truth: Are cats really emotionally attached to their humans? Watch the video to find out.

Even cat lovers like yourselves may ponder the question- “Does my cat really love me?” Cats, are elusive, territorial and curious by nature. Their independent tendencies make one question the influence of emotion on their behavior.

The creators of this video set out to discover the truth: Are cats really emotionally attached to their humans, or do they show affection simply to manipulate their owners into providing for their needs?

The cat’s behavior was analyzed while the owner was present, and after he left. While the owner was home, the cat was active, playful, and more social. Although, he did ignore the owner’s guest. Does this mean that since the guest was not the cat’s caregiver, he didn’t care to socialize with him? Or does it mean that the cat simply preferred his owner’s attention, because he loves him?

Perhaps the most interesting part of the study was when the owner left the house, and the cat was subject to an environment with virtually no stimuli. There was a full bowl of food, plenty of water, toys, and a place to sleep, but the cat appeared to be restless. Immediately after his owner left, he started to call out for him. What does this response say about cat’s behavior and attachment to humans? Watch the video to learn more on this highly-debated topic.