Benefits of Owning Cats

Cats keep our lives happy, and our bodies healthy too! Learn all about the physical and mental benefits of owning cats, and see what science has to say!

If you’re a cat lover, you probably find it impossible to imagine life without your furry friend. Humans have long had deep connections with cats, and science says that this is no accident. People who live with cats are more likely to live better, healthier lives.

The benefits that result from living with cats are numerous. Owning cats may not be a walk in the park, as they do require ample attention and care, but it is definitely a worthwhile experience. Studies performed by Verywell and Mental Floss highlight some of the top health benefits that one can reap from living with cats.


According to Kathy Benjamin of Mental Floss, just watching cat videos online is scientifically proven to boost one’s mood. If this is the case, then it’s no surprise that living among cats supports a healthy lifestyle. Benjamin highlights several areas that cats positively impact in the realm of mental and emotional health. She says that having a cat around can help one cope with loss and grief, as well as fulfill the need for companionship.

The Verywell team put together a video of the top 6 ways that cats help make our lives better. (Watch the video here.) The video explains that cats are scientifically proven to help one cope with loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Enjoying playtime and physical contact with one’s cat can help reduce stress and lead to a healthier lifestyle overall.

In addition to the numerous mental health benefits, living with cats can provide physical benefits as well. The Verywell video explains that the soothing sounds of a cat’s purring may help heal injuries faster. Both sources claim that being around cats reduces stress levels, and therefore puts less strain on the heart, reducing the risk of a heart attack. Cats keep our lives happy, and our bodies healthy too!

In her article on Mental Floss, Benjamin cites studies that boast a 41% success rate in people having better sleep when they share a bed with their cats. The studies showed that women are also more likely to have a better night’s sleep with their cats than without. She also writes that children who grow up with cats are less likely to develop common allergies.

Give your cat some extra love today, and your mind and body will love you right back!