Cats Engage in Actual Conversation with Each Other

Can cats engage in full on conversations? Have you ever witnessed your cats doing this? Can you guess what they may be talking about?

It’s not uncommon for cats to exchange the occasional meow or loaded glance. If you have cats, you’ve probably noticed the way they express themselves through facial expressions, tail position and body language. Siblings Stina and Mossy are usually quarreling or engaging in active play, so this behavior was very unique.

Instead of batting at each other and racing around the house like the energetic felines they are, Stina and Mossy settle in for a full on conversation. Perhaps they are talking about why they fight so much, or bonding over the strange behavior of their human owners. If you had to guess what your pets talk about in their own language, what would you guess?

According to the two cats’ owners, Stina and Mossy engaged in casual banter for an entire hour. That’s an incredible attention span for a cat! It definitely makes you wonder what they were talking about… Do you think they can hold a full on conversation with one another? Have you ever witnessed your cats doing this?