Why Do Cats Make Biscuits?

Why Do Cats Make Biscuits?

photo: scoutmob.com

Have you ever wondered why your cat kneads? This video will answer one of the cutest questions ever.

If you have cats, you’ve probably witnessed them doing this. This behavior is called kneading, or making biscuits. Have you ever wondered why your cats make biscuits?

photo: scoutmob.com
 There are several theories as to why our cats do this. Is it to show affection or mark territory? Is it simply because they are excellent massage therapists?

SciShow staff attempts to answer this age-old question in this informative video. Some scientists say that cats knead because they are used to kneading their mothers bellies to stimulate milk production, and it is an instinctive habit.

What’s interesting is that only domesticated cats have retained this habit. Wild cats do not knead. Why is this? SciShow explains that house cats have held on to some of their social, baby-like characteristics and behaviors, because it makes them more suitable to living with humans.

SciShow explains that while kneading used to be necessary for kittens’ survival, now it is “a way for adult cats to show that they trust you and feel safe.” Check out the video to learn more!