Cats show their Love to humans in a variety of ways and there's no doubt that cats love us as much as we love are 8 ways cats show their love.
Cats show their Love to humans in a variety of ways and there’s no doubt that cats love us as much as we love them. People who haven’t been blessed with furry feline love have a difficult time believing this, though, because kitties show affection very differently than people do. In fact, some cat behaviors that puzzle, aggravate or even offend people are a cat’s way of expressing undying affection. Here are eight ways that cats show their love and affection to humans.
1) Cats Love with Purrs. Her purrs can mean a variety of things, from delight to expressions of concern. And kitty purrs range from soft and subtle to freight train loud. When your cat purrs in your presence, you can be sure she’s expressing her love for you.
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2) Cats Love with Bunting. When a cat cheek-rubs you, head-bumps your face, or pushes against you, he leaves his scented signature. These behaviors, termed “bunting”, are expressions of affection cats display to other cats, dogs and their most favorite people. Cats will rub against you to mark their scent and identify you as an important family member.
photo: the
3) Cats Love with Sleeping. As sleep champs, felines typically sleep up to 16 hours a day. Because they are most vulnerable during sleep, the place your cat chooses to snooze must be in a secure and trusted location. There is no greater loving compliment than a cat choosing your lap for a favorite sleep spot. This shows trust and affection.
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4) Cats Love With Meowing: Cats rarely meow at other cats. Kitty uses these vocalizations specifically to interact with her people. Do you make a point to talk with those you dislike? Neither do cats! Even when kitty pesters you with lots of meows, she’s interacting with you out of love.
photo: getty images
5) Cats showing their belly – cats display trust and affection by showing or exposing their belly. When a cat shows their belly, this is a sign that the cat is relaxed, comfortable, and doesn’t feel threatened. The cat feels safe enough to expose vulnerable areas without worrying about being attacked. Showing their belly will often involve rolling back and forth on the floor. While some cats may enjoy belly rubs, many cats will strike back or claw when a human rubs their belly. Just as with cats play fighting each other, the belly is a vulnerable zone and will often be protected.
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6) Kneading – this behavior goes back to kittenhood. Kitten paws knead against the mother cat to induce milk flow. Adult cats often continue this behavior with their owners when they feel most relaxed, content, and loved. Your cat kneading on you is a sign of love and affection.
7) Hunting Prey and Bringing You a Present – cats have natural hunting instincts and will often gift a toy, insect, mouse, bird, rodent, or other item they caught to their owner. This is a sign of love and should be met with appreciation.
photo: Adobe Digital Media
8) Licking – cats are usually good about self grooming and grooming each other. This is a sign of affection and also a way to mark important members of their family.
photo: Adobe Digital Media
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