Cutest Birman Cats Ever

Birman cats are a favorite of many cat lovers, due in part to their playful personalities. Check out these adorable videos of the top 3 cutest Birman cats!

(1 of 3): This adorable Birman cat loves to chat with its owner. Super soft and a little bit sassy, this cat makes for the perfect pet.

Next… This Birman cat has a secret hiding spot. 

(2 of 3): This adorable kitty loves to play outside in the spring sunshine, and hide in her favorite spot- the cardboard box. Watch how cute she is when she peeks out of the little hole in the box!

Next… These Birman cats are battling for the top spot on the climber.

(3 of 3): These playful Birman cats couldn’t be cuter! Watch as they battle for the best spot on the climber. Too cute!

Next… Click the button below to discover more adorable cat breeds!

More Top 3 Cutest Cats