Let’s face it, cats are complicated and fussy creatures. Their sassy quirks are part of the reason we love them so much. Sometimes it’s easy to tell when we have happy cats, but sometimes the clues are very subtle and you may miss them if you don’t know exactly what to look for.
As concerned “cat parents” we all want happy cats, and yet often we question whether our cat is happy. Although every cat is an individual and, like humans, may show happiness in different ways, there are some pretty universal happy cat clues.
Here’s a few clues to know if your kitty is happy:
There are many eye, ear, fur and body positions that indicate upset cat feelings, or contentment. For example, the relaxed contented cat rests with front paws tucked under, ears forward, eyelids “sleepy” perhaps at half-mast. The eye-blink in return of your stare from across the room is a happy cat gesture.
Happy cats hold whiskers slightly forward and fur smooth with tail relaxed. A joyful cat’s tail talk stands straight up with just the tip crooked in a “howdy” greeting to people and other pets the cat considers friends.
Kittens play nonstop and simply don’t know any better than to be happy. Play is a terrific indication of happiness. As cats mature and progress into middle and old age, play activity diminishes. But any amount of play, from rollicking races and kitty wrestling matches to sedate paw-patting of features (or your leg or face for attention) indicates feline happiness.
Cats who feel good keep themselves well groomed. Poor grooming is a sign of unhappiness, so when your kitty looks spiffy, that’s a positive indication she feels happy, too. Grooming other cats or licking the owner also shows trust and a positive relationship. Cats happy with each other groom one another.
From playing, to napping, to relaxing, to grooming bliss, these kittens featured in this video are the happiest cats around.