Hilarious Cat Surprise Attacks

It's all fun and games until cats attack their owners by surprise. Witness the 41 most hilarious cat surprise jumps of all time in this hilarious video.

Picture a relaxing summer day at the pool. You’re sitting on the edge of the pool with your toes in the water, just enjoying the late afternoon sun while sipping on an ice cold beverage. It’s a peaceful day, and there is hardly a cloud in the sky.

Suddenly, you see a shadow emerge, and before you have time to wonder what it could be, your cat is descending upon you with full force. The sheer surprise of the moment causes you to plummet into the pool, which is refreshing, but brutally cold, all thanks to your cat.

It’s all fun and games until cats attack their owners by surprise. Witness this, and 40 other hilarious cat attack moments like it in this fantastic video. The video is a compilation of the best and most unexpected cat surprise attacks of all time. Get ready to laugh!