Kittens and Puppies Meet for First Time

What happens when you put kittens and puppies together? The result is too cute for words! You'll love this adorable video compilation.

What happens when you put kittens and puppies together? The result is too cute for words! Watching these adorable animals interact is bound to be interesting. In this video, cats and puppies are introduced to each other for the first time, and their reactions are priceless!

Some of the dogs are obsessed with the cats, and try to play and lick them, while the cats just sit there, aloof and bored. Some of the cats don’t know what to think about the dogs, and some are just plain irritated! It’s no secret that kittens and puppies are very different, but it’s still fun to watch them interact!

Check out what happens when kittens and puppies meet in this adorable video compilation.

Can’t get enough of this cuteness overload? We can’t either. Check out this sweet and funny video compilation of cats and dogs playing together. These animals love each other’s company, and can’t seem to get enough. If only it was always this easy to have cats and dogs in the same home! We can all probably learn something about cooperation and friendship from these animals!

Do you have cats and dogs under your roof? Send us your funniest photos and videos of your pets interacting together!