Life with Cats: Before and After

life with cats

photo: youtube: BuzzFeedVideo

For better or for worse, our cats have changed our lives forever.

If you’re a cat lover, you probably find it difficult imagine your life without your cat. From the way we socialize to the way we eat, our cats have changed our lives in ways we never imagined. BuzzFeed nails it again with this adorable and relatable video! The video explores the the lifestyle we know and love: a life with cats.

Our cats keep us accountable, acting as our personal alarm clock. Sometimes, they even come in handy when we don’t feel up to socializing. Admit it, we’ve all had days when our comfy couch sounded more appealing than a work party or other social obligation, so we used our cat as an excuse.

Why leave the house when you can have full-on conversations with your cat? They won’t judge you for wearing the same outfit you wore yesterday, or eating that last slice of pizza even though you don’t need it. Cats are the perfect companions, because they’ll love you unconditionally, no matter your quirks.

While a life with cats is a happy life, there are some annoyances that come along with it. Some of the downsides of owning a cat include decreased productivity. It’s hard to get any work done with a fuzzy friend insisting upon our full attention. We’ve all experienced the extreme inner conflict between a heavy work load and the desire to play and snuggle with our cat.

Living with cats also adds a great deal of daily cleanup. Cats love to destroy bathrooms and get into messy situations. What they love even more is that their sweet faces get them out of trouble every single time. Let’s face it, we’re all suckers for our precious pets, and even though they sometimes are a pain in the tail, we couldn’t imagine our lives without them.