Inside The Mind of a Sneaky Cat

One sneaky cat plots his attack on the goldfish bowl, using detailed jumps and leaps. Just as he is about to pounce, he is distracted by his favorite snack!

This mischievous cat’s one and only goal is to knock down the fish bowl. He appears to be mesmerized by the goldfish, and begins mapping out a detailed scheme to complete his evil task. He plans to jump from table, to couch, to fire place, and eventually soar right into the bowl to knock it down. Just as he begins to move, he is distracted by his favorite snack, and aborts the mission. This video gives a fun and quirky perspective inside the mind of a sneaky cat!

This naughty kitten is not alone! Check out these hilarious photos of mischievous cats caught in the act. From destroying the kitchen to tormenting the pet bird, these guilty kittens have done it all! What kind of trouble does your cat get into? Send us your best guilty cat photos!
