There are many common household Items that are toxic to cats and several plants to be avoided for a safe cat home. Here is a list of items that every cat caregiver should know as they are toxic and potentially deadly to cats and kittens. So keep cats safe, by keeping these potential poisons away. As the saying goes, “curiosity killed the cat” and that can be a human’s worst nightmare when it comes to accidental poisoning a furry friend. Your best line of defense is to cat-proof your house.
Items that are Toxic to Cats
First we look at plants that toxic to cats and then consider several common household items to watch out for if you have cats.
25 Common Plants to Avoid that are toxic to cats (in alphabetical order)
1) Amaryllis – The outer layer of the bulb is the most toxic part of this beautiful holiday plant. Similar in appearance to the poinsettia plant, amaryllis is a popular flowering holiday plant that is a member of the lily family. Unfortunately, whether it’s the bulb, leaves, stem or flowers, this plant poses a threat to cats if ingested. Amaryllis plants contain the chemical lycorine, which can cause adverse effects to cats such as vomiting, diarrhea and tremors.
2) Azaleas and Rhododendrons (Rhododendron spp.)- Azaleas, which are also sometimes known as rhododendron or rosebay, are another holiday plant cat owners should never allow in their homes. However, be on the lookout because they often appear in holiday bouquets or floral arrangements. Azaleas contain a toxin called grayanotoxin, which can adversely affect the sodium channels within a cat’s body. Azalea toxicity can cause a wide range of symptoms, including excessive drooling, decreased appetite, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and even cardiac failure. Note that all parts of the azalea plant are toxic to cats.

4) Castor bean (Ricinus communis) — these beans are very toxic causing oral irritation, burning of mouth and throat, increase in thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney failure, convulsions. Access to ornamental plants or pruned foliage most common in poisonings.
5) Chrysanthemum, Daisy, Mum (Chrysanthemum spp.) – contain pyrethrins, which are used in dog flea and tick medications, and are particularly poisonous to cats. If your cat has eaten chrysanthemums look out for vomiting, diarrhea and lack of appetite and seek advice from your vet.

7) Cyclamen – Also known as sowbread, the cyclamen is a common flowering houseplant that contains compounds (terpenoid saponins) that are poisonous to cats. They cause oral irritation, vomiting and diarrhea, and in large amounts, heart abnormalities, seizures and death.
8) Daffodils, Narcissus (Narcissus spp.) – Although the entire plant is considered toxic to cats, it is the bulb that is the most toxic. Ingestion of any portion of a daffodil can cause oral irritation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, arrhythmias, convulsions and a serious drop in blood pressure.

10) English Ivy – While the toxicity of this plant is mild, it can cause discomfort in the mouth and throat if the berries and leaves are eaten by cats.
11) Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) – Even just a little bit of foxglove can kill a cat. The cardiac glycosides in foxglove can cause vomiting, diarrhea, muscle weakness and heart failure. Even the water from a vase of cut foxglove flowers will be poisonous to pets.

13) Hydrangea – Cats will become poisoned by eating any part of the hydrangea plant. The toxic component of the hydrangea is called cyanogenic glycoside. The flowers, leaves, buds, and stalks all contain the poison, but the buds and leaves contain the most toxin.
14) Iris (Gladiola) – The gladiola comes from the Iridaceae, or iris family and is highly toxic to cats. The bulb or corm is considered to be the most toxic part of this plant, posing a potential risk of death to your cat.

16) Jerusalem cherry (Solanum pseudocapsicum) — causes vomiting, seizures, depression, trouble breathing. All parts of the Jerusalem Cherry are toxic with the highest toxicity being found in the berries. It is also non palatable as the leaves and berries produce irritant effect on the mouth and throat.
17) Kalanchoe – Also known as the mother-in-law plant, the kalanchoe is a common houseplant with small, dense flowers. All of the parts of this plant are toxic to cats. When ingested, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. In rare cases, heart arrhythmias can occur.
18) Lillies – while these are beautiful, fragrant plants with flowers, they are very dangerous to cats. Lillies typically bloom outside from late May to August. They are also a popular flower for florists to including in bouquets and floral arrangements. The lilium plant family contains around 100 potentially toxic species and many hybrids. The more common lily species that are known to be toxic to cats are the Easter lily, Tiger lily, Asiatic lily, Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis), and Stargazer lily. Day lilies, Japanese show lilies, Rubrum lilies, Red lilies, Western lilies, and Wood lilies. It remains unknown what makes lilies poisonous to cats, but is known that the toxin is water soluble and can be deadly.
All parts of Lilly plants are toxic to cats (especially the flower). The orange-yellow pollen is toxic and a Lilly can produce and drop large amounts of pollen under the plant. Pollen can get on a cat’s paw and then be ingested while grooming. Even a single bite of a flower or leaf of the plant can be deadly for your cat.
Cats can suffer from kidney failure after ingesting even tiny amounts of the plant and flower or drinking water from the plant. Cats are very sensitive to poisoning from Easter lilies. The kidney is the primary organ affected, and cats can die of kidney failure 3-5 days after exposure. Initial symptoms usually develop 6-12 hours after ingestion and include vomiting, salivation, anorexia and depression. Kidney failure typically follows, and the signs are increased thirst and urination, dehydration and lethargy. Toxins build up in the blood as the kidney failure rapidly progresses, and there may be a recurrence of vomiting, decreased urine production or even absence of urine production, weakness, recumbency, hypothermia and death.

22) Pothos, Devil’s Ivy (Epipremnum aureum) – Pothos plant, also famous by the names of golden pothos, devil’s ivy taro vine and ivy arum, are quite toxic to cats
23) Sago Palm – This southwest desert ornamental palm is extremely toxic to cats and dogs. Ingesting even a small amount can cause liver failure, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures and death. Also known as the coontie palm, or the cardboard palm, the sago palm is an extremely poisonous plant to cats.
24) Spanish Thyme (Coleus ampoinicus) – Spanish thyme contains essential oils that are toxic to cats. This plant is also known as coleus, Indian borage, country borage, bread and butter plant, stinging thyme and East Indian thyme, as well as other names.
25) Tulip (Tulipa spp.) – The whole tulip plant is considered toxic, but the bulb is the most poisonous to cats. Ingestion can cause significant oral irritation, excessive drooling and nausea. Unless large quantities of the bulb are eaten, which is unlikely in cats, tulip ingestion should not be fatal.

10 Common Household Items that are Toxic to Cats
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2) Chocolate or items with Caffeine – chocolate contains caffeine which is toxic to cats. Cats are more sensitive to caffeine (also found in coffee, tea, caffeine pills and energy drinks) than dogs. Cats may have tremors, seizures, coma and death from consumption of chocolate and other caffeine containing products.

4) Ibuprofen – This human anti-inflammatory (i.e. Advil) can cause severe damage to the kidneys, liver and GI tract of cats. Ibuprofen can cause severe bleeding ulcers which can make cats anemic and these cats may require a blood transfusion. Cats are especially sensitive to Ibuprofen and should never be given this drug.
5) Acetaminophen – Cats lack the ability to metabolize acetaminophen (i.e. Tylenol) well which leads to severe and potentially fatal anemia. When this happens, cats experience respiratory distress, swelling the face and paws, vomiting and hypothermia followed by death.

7) Laundry detergent, drain cleaner, toilet bowl cleaner, and other household cleaners – Keep your cat out of the room while you’re scrubbing toilets or doing laundry. Some household cleaning products, when ingested by a cat, can cause profuse drooling, chemical burns, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.
8) Human antidepressants – Human antidepressants are like catnip to cats. They love the smell of common antidepressants such as Effexor, Prozac, Cymbalta, and Zoloft and can’t resist eating the pill. However, instead of improving their mood and energy level, human antidepressants can cause lethargy, tremors, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and hyperthermia in cats.
9) Flea and tick topical medications for dogs – Never apply an insecticide intended for dogs (even small dogs) to your cat. These medications often contain high concentrations of a chemical derived from the Chrysanthemum flower – a chemical that is highly toxic to cats. Don’t allow your cat to lick the medication off your dog, either.
10) Onions, Garlic, Chives, Raisins and Grapes – The gastrointestinal irritation humans feel when indulging in copious amounts of onions, garlic, or chives is compounded in cats, and can lead to red blood cell damage. Raisins and Grapes should also be avoided by cats. Although the toxic substance within grapes and raisins is unknown, these fruits can cause kidney failure.

Identifying the plant is very important for determining treatment for your cat. If you are unsure of the name of the poisonous plant that your cat was exposed to, bring a sample of the plant or plant material that your cat has vomited with you to the veterinary office.
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