Cats can also experience stress, help out your feline friends with relaxing music for cats! Learn more and listen to some examples!
If your feline friend seems stressed out, you may want to turn to specially made relaxing music for cats! Researchers are still trying to understand exactly what kind of music cats like and are actually creating sound pieces that reflect how cats communicate with each other. Cats have great senses and are very sensitive to sound due to having great hearing. Their whiskers even pick up the slightest of vibrations in the air! These two factors could mean that your cat finds the music you like to be too loud or too heavy on the bass. Many cats suffer from separation anxiety when their owner is away at work or on short trips. If your cat is over grooming or showing signs of stress, they might be showing symptoms of separation anxiety. Relaxing Music for cats is a natural way to reduce the anxiety of your cat.
Listen to some cat music here!