Sleepy Cats Can’t Get Enough Beauty Rest

beauty rest


We all need our beauty rest and these cats are real champs.

If you have ever had a cat you should know that they spend most of their time sleeping, and the amazing fact is that they are able to do it in just every place they want. After all, doesn’t lounging about for the whole day seem wonderful? But did you know that cats spend approximately 70% of their lives getting beauty rest? That’s 16 hours a day! Cats need an enormous amount of energy to hunt, or pounce on the little toy mouse they have. Sleeping is their way of storing up energy.

While humans may sleep in marathon eight-hour (or longer) sessions, cat sleep more commonly consists of short and long naps throughout the day. Habits vary between cats but very old and very young kittens sleep more than robust adults. Sleep time increases on cold, rainy or cloudy days.

beauty rest
photo: Google Images
beauty rest